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  • Holly Donithan

Hobbs Family - Maternity/Family Session

This family...

and this sweet baby on the way...

what a story of God's faithfulness!

This family...

Dan and my husband attended medical school together in Richmond, VA, and I do not know that I could have survived those years without his sweet wife Brandi. We became fast friends and journeyed with each other through our husbands' long, stressful hours at work as well as the early months/years of marriage and motherhood...what a gift! Her oldest is a little over a year older than mine, and I was so thankful to have her as a role model for those infant days! Even after my family moved away to Charlottesville for residency, Brandi and I remained close and made trips to see each other and get our kiddos together to play. A little over a year ago, they matched for Dan's cardiology fellowship in Charleston, SC, and although that means less frequent visits, even those miles can't keep us apart! These are lifelong friends, for sure! I was so thankful to get to take this quick trip to visit them and catch up before their family of three becomes four!

and this sweet baby on the way...

With October being Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month, I feel like it is the perfect time to share the story of the journey this family has walked through as they sought to add to their family. I previously said that their family of three will become four, but a more accurate statement would be that their family of six will now become seven as there are three little angel babies in Heaven that none of us ever got to meet here on earth. Tears fill my eyes as I type that, not only because of the sadness of not getting to see or hold those three little lives, but also because I witnessed the pain of their loss and the hope deferred each time. However, where many would be tempted to doubt or ask, "Why God?", Brandi pressed on in faith. I know there had to be moments and days when sadness threatened to overcome, but throughout all the appointments, tests, blood work, pregnancies, and losses, she held on to hope. After many doctor's appointments, it was determined that her losses were caused by a low supply of healthy eggs, which was discouraging to hear, but also hopeful because it didn't mean having another baby was impossible; it just required one healthy egg. As we continued fervently praying, God brought to my mind the parable of the lost sheep, in which a shepherd leaves 99 sheep to go search for one that is lost. Granted, the point of the parable is about rejoicing over a sinner who has repented, but it also reminded me that God cares about individuals. He seeks out even just one. Every. Single. Life. Matters. And that meant this little baby-to-be mattered to Him, too. So we prayed specifically for one healthy egg, and He faithfully answered with the sweet little baby bump you see here <3

Little Baby Hobbs, I hope you never forget for a minute how valuable, desired, important, and loved you are and that you have been fearfully and wonderfully made by a faithful and loving God!

When your dad is a cardiology fellow, you MUST do the obligatory stethoscope pic ;) This little guy is going to be such a great big bro!

And when you're a Charleston mama, a palm tree and pineapple fountain pic comes with the territory, too!

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